ALCOMA 15 is a meeting of COST Action IC1104. The intention is to bring together researchers that work in particular in the field of constructive theory of combinatorial designs and error-correcting codes or on closely related topics. A special focus of the conference is on q-analogues of designs and their recent application in random network coding.


  • Design theory
  • Coding theory
  • q-analogues
  • Finite geometry
  • Finite group actions


  • End of early bird registration: December 15, 2014
  • Abstract of contributed talks: December 15, 2014
  • Final papers: April 15, 2015


Every participant is invited to submit a contribution to a dedicated volume of the Advances in Mathematics of Communications (AMC). AMC is covered in Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (CC/PC&ES) ISI Alerting Services, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Math Reviews, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt. The review process will be according to the standards of AMC. Every participant is kindly invited to prepare a contribution.

To submit a contribution please prepare an article and submit it at the AMC website. Please submit the article as early as possible. Deadline for submission is April 15, 2015.

Previous conferences

ALCOMA 15 is the fourth conference after:


  • Adalbert Kerber
  • Michael Kiermaier
  • Reinhard Laue
  • Mario Osvin Pavčević
  • Alfred Wassermann